Information about cookie usage
This website uses cookies and similar technologies to guarantee that the internal procedures operate correctly and to enhance the user experience during navigation.

This page provides detailed information about the usage of cookies and similar technologies, how they are used by MAIRE S.p.A. and on how the user can manage them.

Cookies are small fragments of text (letters and/or numbers) that allow the website to store on the client program (the web browser) some information that will be retrieved again throughout the same visit to the website (session cookies) or again in the following days (persistent cookies). Cookies are stored by the browser on the device being used for browsing (computer, tablet or smartphone) according to the user preferences.

Similar technologies, such as web beacons, transparent GIFs and other forms of storage introduced with HTML5 can be used to retrieve information about the user behavior and about the usage of services.

In this text we will refer to cookies and all the functionally equivalent technologies listed above by using the generic term “cookie”.

There are several different types of cookies. Hereby we will list all the types of cookies that may be used within the Site, along with a description of their usage and their purpose.

  • Technical cookies: these cookies are vital for the correct operation of several areas of the site. Cookies in this category can be session cookies or persistent cookies. Without such cookies, the Site or some portions of it may not operate properly. Thereby, they are always used, independently from the user’s preferences. Cookies in this category originate always from the Site domain.
  • Analytics cookies: this kind of cookies are used to retrieve information about the usage of the Site by users, retrieve the keywords used by the user to reach the site, the websites previously visited and to track the origin of website traffic to specific marketing campaigns. The owner of the Site may use this information to prepare reports and enhance the Site’s user experience. These cookies are collected in anonymized form. Cookies of this kind originate from the Site’s domain or from third party sites.
  • Cookies used to integrate third-party functionality: this kind of cookies are used to integrate third-party functionalities within the site (for example, comments boxes or social network icons that allow visitors to share the Site’s contents). Cookies of this kind can originate from domains belonging to the Site’s partners, or from domains of third parties that provide specific functions within the Site.
  • Profiling cookies: these cookies are used to create a profile of the user in order to show advertising content that is compatible with the behavior and preferences shown by the user itself in its web navigation. This site does not make use of such kind of cookies.

Third party cookies
By visiting a website the user might receive cookies from both the site itself (“proprietary cookies”) and from sites managed by other organizations (“third-party cookies”). This website sets third-party cookies for social bookmarking and web traffic analysis. The presence, number and status of cookies may depend on how you use the platforms concerned before or while visiting this website. You should ascertain what the relevant sites' policy is on social networking cookies. Below, more details on our third party cookies:

Life span of cookies
Some cookies (session cookies) remain active only until the user closes the browser or, for some cookies, until the user logs out from the site. Other cookies do not cease to exist when the user closes the browser or log out, and are available during the following visits to the site by the user.

These cookies are called “persistent” and their life span is set by the server at the time of creation. An expiration time is always defined, although it may be in a very distant future, hence providing them with an infinite lifespan for all practical purposes.

This site does not set persistent cookies. However, by browsing the pages of this site, it might be that third-party components set persistent cookies or profiling cookies.

Cookie management
The user can decide whether to accept cookies or not by modifying the browser settings.

Be careful: disallowing the site ability to set technical or third party cookies cookies, either entirely or partially, might compromise the functionality of some parts of the site or of the whole site altogether.

Most browsers allow users to define different policies for “proprietary” and “third party” cookies.

We will hereby list the reference guides about cookie management for each of the most common browsers on the market:

Chrome | Firefox | Opera | Safari